Upravljanje nekretninama u Rovinju
Dobrodošli u Elim!
Usluge ELIM-a osmišljene su kako bi osigurale dobru brigu o nekretninama svima koji su izabrali stan/kuću u Rovinju kako bi sebi i svojim gostima omogućili odmor i užitak u jednom od najljepših gradova na Jadranu.
Naše usluge su primjerene i pojedincu i poduzeću. Želimo pomoci vlasnicima pri upravljanju nekretnine na najprofitabilniji način, te njihovim gostima kako bi se potpuno bezbrižno odmorili i doživjeli Rovinj u punom sjaju.
U skladu s time nudimo razne usluge upravljanja i zbrinjavanja nekretnine, te brigu za goste.
Naš cilj je zadovoljan vlasnik i zadovoljan gost!
We have all confidence in a new year of good cooperation with you.
Dear Sanja: Thanks for sending the photos of the cupboard and ironing board. They both look splendid! And we appreciate all your efforts for us.
Dear Andrea, Daria and Sanja
A note to thank you all for your excellent service in helping resolve the current issues in our flat.
It is so reassuring to know that we have the Elim team on hand to help deal with these unexpected challenges. We greatly appreciate it, as I am sure do the guests.
We have just become AirBnB superhosts and I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you and the team for your hard work and professionalism. Without your commitment, it wouldn’t have been possible. Thanks again.
We are looking forward to this season and using your excellent services again.
Cara Sanja, grazie per la Tua disponibilità di venerdì per i problemi delle finestre degli appartamenti.
Sei stata molto gentile. Grazie ancora.
Hello Sanja,
These accounts look good. Thanks for all your hard work, and especially for taking care of the guests in October with the leak. You are an honest and trustworthy business partner — a rare and precious blessing!
Thanks to you and Samanta for arranging the cleaning of the flat at such short notice. Also thank you in general for everything you both help me with. I can’t tell you enought. You both help us tremendously. This would be far more difficult without you.
And especially with our neighbours (!) We were always happier knowing you were there in Rovinj. Thanks again for everything. We would like to thank you for everything you have done over the years. You and your company have been a huge help to us – we couldn’t have run the business if Tessa hadn’t find you.
Thanks as always for your very sensible and reassuring approach to this. I have been really worrying about this and feeling very helpless and frustrated at not being able to get this sorted out. Thanks for reassurance – always know that when you are involved things are managed really well.
As homeowners who mainly reside away from our home in Rovinj, Sanja has been a professional and competent manager for us. Becoming clients of Sanja has taken much of the worry and anxiety out of caring for a second home as foreign owners
So I just wanted to take the opportunity to say thank you so much for looking after the apartment and for being so warm, helpful and attentive over the years. You all do such a wonderful job.
You’re a star. Thank you!!
You’ve been so reliable and helpful, I’m not surprised your business has grown so quickly. We really couldn’t have done it without you.
Thank you for all your help over the past few years. Also, thank you for everything, you have been very honest and always helpful.
Yours sincerely,
The new owners where particurarly pleased with how clean everything was in the apartment. Thanks for all your help as usual.
It’s Thanksgiving week . I’m thankful for YOU ! You helped me so much this past season . Remember the electric issue and how you managed to fix it 10 minutes before the renters arrived ?
Sanja and everyone at Elim has always been very helpful – quick to respond to emails, sorted out any problems we had with the apartment and generally made our lives easier. We appreciate everything they’ve done and the level of service has always been excellent.And we are really grateful for the way you have dealt with everything.
You and Samanta have been superb this summer – thank you so much for all you have done.
Di questo ti ringrazio e ti d’atto di grande professionalità. In fondo, qualche disguido, se si lavora, è normale.