Property Management
a range of services
We offer a range of services for home owners who do not reside in Rovinj or Croatia and need a reliable person to take care of their property and guests renting it. The services include:
Property care
House/Apartment Care (12 months, 6 months)
It includes a check twice a month (electricity, water, boiler, TV/ satellite, air condition, bathroom, kitchen, plants). Help in solving problems with neighbours. Turning on the heating/cooling before customers come (on customers request). Informing the customer about things that need to be repaired or changed. Organizing repairs that might be needed, opening the apartment to furniture delivery, photograph, agent, etc. up to 6 services in one year*, does not include the services mentioned in ‘Preparing apartment for renting’, or organising services which are needed during the renovation of the apartment . Any help that might be needed on customers request will be given 25% off the ‘repair organisation’ price. This service does not include out of hours services. The above mentioned services are available just from October to April.
The customer using this service and the ‘apartment administration’ service will be offered a link position for their apartment on the ELIM web site free of charge.
It includes a check twice a month (electricity, water, boiler, TV/ satellite, air condition, bathroom, kitchen, plants). Help in solving problems with neighbours. Turning on the heating/cooling before customers’ arrival (on customers’ request). Informing the customer about things that need to be repaired or changed. Organizing repairs that might be needed, opening the apartment to furniture delivery, photograph, agent, etc. up to 12 services in one year*, does not include the services mentioned in ‘Preparing apartment for renting’, or organising services which are needed during the renovation of the apartment . Any help that might be needed on customers request will be given 25% off the ‘repair organisation’ price. This service does not include out of hours services.
The repair organisation will not be available in the renting season, from May to September, except for urgent matters.
The customer using this service and the ‘apartment administration’ service will be offered a link position for their apartment on the ELIM web site free of charge.
* If the customer is not satisfied with a handyman quota for a repair, finding another handyman will be counted as second service. If the customer decides not to carry out the repairs, after everything has already been organised, the service/s will be counted.
Preparing the apartment for renting
It includes organizing various finishing tasks, such as fitting the kitchen, cooker delivery and installation etc. which need to be done urgently before renting the apartment in the summer season. This service includes a maximum of 15 tasks.
Apartment maintenance
Apartment maintenance
Shopping and delivery
Shopping services include buying necessities for your apartment or for your guests on customers’ request. We will deliver items not heavier than 10 kg to the apartment. For items heavier than 10 kg we will have to use a special delivery service which is not included in the price.
Repairs organization
It includes all the services needed for organising repairs in your apartment : finding a handyman/company, sending the estimate (for the work) to the customer, arranging the repair with the handyman/company, checking repair work and contacting the customer to confirm that it has been done according to their wish, collecting the invoice and taking it to the customer’s accountant.
If the customer decides not to carry out the repair, after everything has already been organised, the time spent on organisation will be charged anyway
Solving problems with neighbours
The wooden constructions of the buildings in the Old town often do not provide perfect sound insulation- this can often lead to disputes with neighbours. We offer help with resolving disputes that may arise between your guests and your neighbours and mediate in order to prevent potentially harmful situations for your business.
In addition to that, we strive to build genuine long-term relationships with your neighbours on your behalf during the whole year.
Other property care services
Other property care services
Guest Care
Meet and greet
When the guests arrive they will be met at the agreed point, welcomed and taken to the apartment. They will receive the apartment key and will be given some useful information about Rovinj, on request. At the departure time they will be met, thanked for choosing your apartment and invited to come again. The key will be taken back. Out of hours service is not included.
The meet and greet service includes no more than 1 hour of work, starting from the appointed time of arrival given by the guests. Each next hour spent is charged separately.
Tourist registration (police office and tourist board)
After their arrival the guests will be registered at the Tourist Board and the police office and all the Guest Books will be filled in according to the registration. The Guest Books will be sealed at the police station at the end of the year. After their departure the guests will be unregistered. This service does not include inspecting the complaint book.
Collecting guests’ payments and banking the money, keeping the security deposit
On the day of arrival the money for the stay will be collected from your guests and the receipt for it will be given. If required a security deposit will also be taken. This service does not include money exchange.
A copy of the receipt will be given to the accountant and the money will be paid into your company account. This service does not include VAT and tourist tax calculation for the receipt.
On the day of departure the apartment will be checked and the security deposit will be returned (if it has been taken).
Other guest care services
Other guest care services
Apartment administration
It includes dealing with paperwork connected with the apartment such as categorization (done once), pricelist (renewed every year), Tourist Board Inspections, inspecting the complaint book, communication with your solicitor, collecting the mail and taking it to the accountant, providing any information the customer might need, and other help that might be needed throughout the year, up to 12 services in one year. Any help that might be needed on customers request will be given a 25% discount in the ‘individual tasks’ price. This fee includes my name given out to represent (be a contact person for) your company in Rovinj.
The customer using this service and the ‘apartment care’ service will be offered a link position for their apartment on the ELIM web site free of charge.
Administration related to apartment categorization and tourist registration
1) Administrativni poslovi vezani uz kategorizaciju (rješenje o kategorizaciji):
Usluga uključuje preuzimanje svih dokumenata potrebnih za kategorizaciju, dostavljanje dokumenata Turističkoj zajednici, otvaranje apartmana prilikom uvida inspekcije te preuzimanje rješenja o kategorizaciji nakon što je postupak okončan.
2) Administrativni poslovi vezani uz prijavu gostiju
Usluga uključuje preuzimanje svih dokumenata potrebnih za prijavu gostiju na ime Vaše tvrtke nakon dobivanja kategorizacije, predaju dokumenata Turističkoj zajednici i policiji te preuzimanje registracijskog broja od Turističke zajednice i policije nakon što je postupak okončan
Other administration services (money exchange, VAT and tourist tax calculation for receipts, inspecting the complaint book, making the price list and house rules etc.)
1) Konverzija strane valute u kune prije uplate na račun
U slučaju da gost želi platiti smještaj u stranoj valuti (bilo koja druga valuta osim kune), iznos će biti promjenjem u kune prije uplate na bankovni račun.
2) Kalkulacija PDV-a i boravišne pristojbe za potvrde o plaćanju
Usluga uključuje kalkulaciju PDV-a i boravišne pristojbe za račune koje se predaju Vašem knjigovođi (vidi primjer u info listi) u slučaju da klijent ne može ili ne želi to obaviti sam.
3) Provjera Knjige žalbi
Nakon svakog odlaska gostiju provjerava se Knjiga žalbi. U slučaju pismene žalbe, Knjiga se dostavlja uredu Turističke zajednice.
4) Izrada cjenika
Izrada cjenika je zakonski određena te se u skladu s time cjenik mora svake godine izraditi i izložiti na vidljivo mjesto u apartmanu. U uslugu nije uključeno plastificiranje i uokvirivanje cjenika.
5) Izrada kućnog reda
Prema zakonu, u svakom apartmanu mora postojati kućni red na 3 jezika te mora biti izložen na vidljivom mjestu. U uslugu nije uključeno plastificiranje i uokvirivanje kućnog reda.